Wednesday 24 April 2013

King Dennis G - Returns to Barra Kunta Kinte Island (TBC)

Heading to Kunta Kinte island on The River Gambia

Roots Tour Barra

    The Gambia

  Welcome to my Roots & Culture blog where you will find pictures, history, and stories
feel free to comment with your own story's studies and researches all constructive is welcome.

January 28th I took a trip to Barra (Kunta kinte island) The Gambia West Africa.
On my World Tour 2013, after a good few nights of shows, partying and hanging out in the hoodie hood, S/O (shout out) Lamin village, and the Sena Gambia Crew.

I've seen Roots the movie as a child and that was a great insight into the inhumanity that used to go on back in the day, but on this day i was going to see with my own eyes, feel and breath the air of the very place the slave trade thrived, many years ago before The British Empire whom owned 50% of the trade fought and abolished in 1807.

I personally know some of my ancestors were indeed captured but managed to defeat the slave traders when they got off the boat in Jamaica to live in the mountains with the native Carib Indian's, as the Maroons, Mandingo's stolen from the mother land.

Speaking of boats we needed to get across the water from Banjul to Kunta kintai island at first I thought a nice boat ride never hurt nobody, its hot we got plenty water, we looking good lets go.

Chained Father, Mother and Child.
Ready to be separated and sent to The West Indies and the USA 
We get to the ferry depot and i was some how convinced to get on big canoe/boat whatever it was it didn't look good it was run by seamen/pirates, hauling goods across the river along with people. I was like, nah this is crazy but seen as I was visiting the slave sites I thought I may aswel envisage a unsafe packed boat ride, similar to the Mandingo's back in the day.

I get on this boat and before long jah know, I'm cussing bad word all kinds of madness is happening a lot of which i was illusive to as I don't understand the local Wolof language, but we cross the river Gambia found a taxi and made are way to Kunta kintai island.

It was hot and we were steady travelling to the spot, where the Portuguese, French and the British used to land to trade and abduct the Mandingo's whom prior to invasion where living in peace and harmony, known as the Mandingo fighting man but due to the alien technologies and knowledge the Mandingo where conquered and extorted.

When we arrived in Barra (Kunta kinte island) which is now a museum we were shown to the buildings built by the French, Portuguese and the English at a time when the Mandingo's lived in grass houses.

Check out pics and more at the drop....Continues......

This is the freedom pole, it was erected in honour of the 93 Mandingo's who were challenged to swim from an island 2km from here for freedom and return to their families, after being starved and half beaten to death....They didn't make it.

AJ heading  to the boat

AJ, Auntie Mari, Your Bredrin and Nyanya On the boat heading to the Barra
Currencies used in the 18th Century (Cowries Shells )
This statue was built to mark the end of the slave trade.
Prison your bredrin holding canon ball(below)
 On the island we also got see the prisons where they kept the captured, canons, the remaining canon balls and the fortress built on the seafront of the Atlantic ocean for the purpose of warding off the Portuguese, Americans and any others pirates trying to get rich from the slave trade.
It was time to head back to the city after an enlightening visit to the museum at this point i was steadfast we was going to find a speed boat or hop on the ferry which looked a lot safer.
We're making our way its hot, we get to the 'depot' we need to cross the river. We missed the ferry there is no speed boat, we decided, to get on the crazy pirate ships again to save time.
We get on the ship its hectic we get as comfortable as can be, the ship is packed, with goods and people ready to cross the river. The pirates are busy filling up the boat and at the same time there is a lot of loud talking in Wolof with my friends and the rest of the boat, they're wanting more people on the boat before they leave. I start to notice the pirates player hating my friend and lady. The pirates continue to fill the boat.
Something's wrong people are standing up the boat is swaying, the whole boat is complaining the ship isn't moving. a pirate sweeps a rope under the legs or many passengers people are falling into the river I managed to step over the rope I noticed my boy made it on to another boat having come off the boat we was on, I had to jump at least 2/3 meters onto a ledge of another ship managed to get the ladies onto the ship which was at least 3 -4 meters away at the time was crazy like the movies, had to stretch and reach over so they could jump and I caught them.  At this time my trousers had split from when I jumped and landed on a boat with no seats stretching my legs to stabilise on the ledges when I landed. So right now I'm nuts out on the river Gambia.
It was hot so the breeze was nice but I'm pissed my suit is ruined but remain calm.  We need to get across the river and now we are on someone else's boat and they weren't happy. The ruckus continued insults and player hating from the pirates. People had been hurt and injured from the other boat almost capsizing my friend is being attacked still by the pirates he manages to tussle him out into the water with a plank of wood used as a seat, the other pirates are planning to attack picking up what appeared to be an engine, i had to D (defence) them up to stop them from attacking he loses the engine they're falling into the river the boat is tilting and swaying i had to jump on to another ledge on the boat. Pirate picks a huge rudder ready to swing and attack I D'd him up, we begin to lose the angry pirates, the boat is moving.
A friend kindly lent me a sweater to cover up my nuts although at this stage I had totally forgotten my trousers had split, I was just relieved the boat was moving and we was crossing the river the Lady's where safe my homeboy had a few cuts and bruises and a damaged iPhone but we was alive and heading back to the city with the sun shinning on the river Gambia.
When all seems well we're half way across the river and the boat stools there is a slight panic but we get it going and made are way back to land. With the angry pirates right behind us, they were player hating and acting irresponsibly putting our lives at risk. So we had no choice but to hijack another boat to get across the water.

We get back to Banjul with the tension and emotions running high the ruckus continues but this time the Navy was in the mix the crew explained who we are and what went down in Wolof, I remain calm the pirates are now in a sticky situation. We are now forced to decided whether to let the Navy arrest and discipline the pirates or except their apology.  The pirates excepted their wrong doings and player hating their apology was excepted we made our way to the tailor's got my trousers fixed and headed back to Kololi seeing the last of the angry pirates for now.

Touring Kunta Kinte island was definitely an enlightening experience and seeing what my ancestors went through and survived, to be around today is amazing in its self but at the same time a great shame on humanity. Known in the western world as the start of industrial revolution the slave trade has moulded the world we are living in today, at the expense and oppression of The Mother Land, Africa and its people.

Despite the madness with the pirates on the ship I had a lot of fun and enjoyed the action.
The citizens of Gambia are good peoples and practise great discipline with practically a zero crime rate even considering its economic status which many of us could learn a great deal in example.

to be continued.........

Bless for checking out my blog don't forget my album is available to download in all good online stores King Dennis G - The Hustlers Dream :' Feel free to comment and start discussion if you have something constructive to add....
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